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The Ramblings of a Single Parent Goddess
The Ramblings of a Goddess: a single parent comments on life and the pursuit of sleep. politics and current issues fall into play on the daily. life as She sees it.
October 16, 2013
Black Woman Blogging: The House GOP Members: Burning Down the House
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August 1, 2013
Non-Stop Mom: You got a problem with my food stamps?
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i want to share a deep heart-felt thank you to Non-Stop mom for telling my story and sharing how i feel. i stopped using food stamps because of this very fact. even have a bare fridge and cupboard have not been able to make me reapply. i'm reconsidering. thanks NSM
February 24, 2012
come together... right now... over me!
...and our children
I have long been an advocate of teachers
i have long been an advocate of students
i have long been a proponent of the current educational system
the trouble that i have is that if i want to make the system better, then sacrifices will have to be made.
when it comes to battles of improving education, someone always has to be right and someone always has to be wrong. is that really necessary? to that, i say no.
i truly believe that it is not the idea of "my idea is more right" but the idea of "lets see if we can get it all together and do better for the education of our children".
SYNERGY goes a long way. i learned in a college level Afro-Caribbean dance class that in order to make a dance speak, you had to combine many elements. my son goes to a public charter school and i will say in all his 6 years of public, private, parochial, and other charter schools, he is getting the best offering for advancement.
guess what??????
his teachers are not union members.
i am a full supporter of unions that work, but i think the way teachers are treated is deplorable and the trickle down is uneducated children who will do society no good in the next 20 years.
we have to pay teachers what they are worth, reward them for what they do, and offer consequences for those who don't meet the requirements of the future of America.
hiding behind a union who will hold you up in the system even if you should NEVER be teaching children or tenure because you did your time is disappointing to me.
will we lose people in the fray? absolutely.
but there must be sacrifices for growth to happen. think about these things:
1. dendrite pruning
2. rose bushes
3. young peach trees
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I'm just gone sit here.... cleanin' this here gun!
he has a point. people are always asking me what i do differently as a parent because they think i am using some 'modern' parenting techniques. what they don't know is that i just do it old school. i know that it works on some children but i have my way and they have theirs. i have to say i cheered in my office chair when he unloaded the clip into her laptop! my dad would have done the same thing (to my sister of course as i was the perfect child *snark*) . it is what it is and it takes time, patience, and prayers (or spells, or whatever alternative higher power requests you need to use) to raise a child to be a productive adult. does it scare the hell out of me that i have to use methods that may upset others? yes because what i do is what i would like to think is my own business, but i know that social services, police, teachers, and basically any mandated reporter will turn me in because it is just what they are required to do.
to that i say wooooosaaaaaah! i keep it moving and i keep it real.
does that make me a bad parent?
ask me in 15 years and ask this dad in 10.
i think the proof will be in the pudding (or in the self sufficient college grad and/or productive member of society)
check out some of his posts after the fact. he's not budging or changing his stance... way to stand your ground dad!
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*sings like Beyonce* Say my name, say my name
my personal thoughts on why you must have balls made of kryptonite if you are going to talk shit about another group of people who you don't know.
word to the wise.....
"if you don't have anything nice to say. keep your mouth shut or MAKE SOME MOTHER FUCKING CHANGE..."
there has been some controversy in my local school district's police force and they are doing what they can to have it cleared up. apparently there was some misappropriation going on and it is being brought under control ultimately by an investigation brought on by the department. things will be okay soon.
a post about the writing in the local paper, The Sacramento Bee, was on point about how truths were twisted to put the police force and those in charge in a bad light.
but a person came in and pulled on my chain. a person posted and talked a lot of shit about a group who might be at odds with some of the goings on with the police department. he was vague to a fault..... read on.....
"There is one community within the district that is struggling with both the rule of law and with the ability to find their way in a larger community. This doesn't mean that they are bad people. They are simply struggling to find their way. I strongly suggest that they begin finding it by visiting those communities that are further along that road of community service. Discover the tools necessary to move forward rather than relying on "some" organizations which pretend to "do the work for the individual."
my reply
if you don't mind me asking, of which community do you speak?
i take slight offense to this comment in which you point a finger, but keep the offending party cloaked under hints of distrust and smacks of self-imposed immunity.The use of the word "they" in my book is about as ignorant as the use of the the phrase "you people" ... please let me know because i, and many that i know, are willing to seek out this group of persons who are struggling to find their way.
i finally found out the community that he was talking about and i can 100% understand the distrust. but usually we see communities that fall apart because those who want a better life for themselves cannot look to helping all.
this writers request was for people in this neighborhood to come on down to his neck of the woods....i will bet you all the money in the United States Treasury coffers that there is no way they would allow people from this community into their houses. i see calls for the police to come out to their neighborhood to patrol for potential predatory perps.
let's take for instance, a neighborhood in Mobile AL. my mother lives there. she is a black woman. a majority of her neighbors are black but there are a few VERY old neighbors who are shall we say.... NOT BLACK! these not black neighbors are the remnants of a neighborhood that at one point in time was not black until people of color wanted better for their families and decided that a move to the suburbs was in order. my mom says it is common place that when the blacks move in the not blacks move out. my mom cemented this when she talked to me about a home health nurse she had when she had a surgery. the home health aide was a white woman and could not understand for the life of her why she was helping my mother who is a black woman. it came down to the coverage that my mother had. obviously, they had NEVER seen a black woman with that kind of coverage where i come from we call that middle class health coverage. this woman was a lost cause and had to double check a couple of times because there was no way that a black woman could have a white home health aide. THAT'S JUST NOT THE WAY IT WORKS IN THE SOUTH. hmmmmmmm
what was a i rambling about? right.
calling someone out their name. respect is not given it is earned, but you cannot draw a line in the sand if the other is not facing you.
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February 22, 2012
On the topic of Black History Month
i still believe, in this day and age, that we have to be cautious about some of the things we say about some black people because many of us can take it personally. black history month is not a dedication to black people in america. it is a month in which everyone has an opportunity to learn about black culture from somewhere other than the schools because so much has been omitted from textbooks.
and the last time i checked, Irish folks got the month of March (and have since '91)
hell guide dogs got a month too (september)
to round off the year we have Indigenous Indian & Alaska Native heritage month in november
what gets the most publicity is Black History month. why? because people are always complaining about it and wondering why white folks don't get their own month.
as far as i am concerned, they had a month that lasted well over 200 years. i think they can share the calendar a bit.
just my opinion
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February 20, 2012
A word on discipline from Goddess... to bend or not to bend?
THAT is the question.
should we as parents get totally bent out of shape when we punish our children because of a worry that we might upset them?
this is a question that i toy with all the time.
i have a child who is painfully thoughtful, smart, sensitive, and intuitive.
does that mean that i should tailor my discipline methods to cause him the least amount of harm?
does this method of parenting raise concerns with the increase in the rates of drinking among single parents?
the goddess ponders.
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