April 24, 2009

update to Censorship at a ATT

a big heated conversation has been going on for a couple of days at a website with regard to our fiancial results and the bargaining for the new union contract.

only management is allowed to post on this site. fine and dandy.
a manager asked
"Since this article deals with health care issues as it relates to the current labor dispute between management and workers, would someone on the non-management side please clarify something I heard the other day. That is, I have heard that non-management employees are not permitted to post comments to these type articles. Is this true?"

and apparently got a great deal of responses from many craft folks making it clear to him that we could not.

his response
"From the emails and Qs I have received this morning in response to my previous post, it is quite evident that non-management employees are not permitted to post comments on this web site. To that I would say this. Not very American, not very democratic, and certainly, not very inclusive."


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