you better not lie
you better not call me
names or you'll die
Ex-Wife Claus is coming to town!
she's making a list
she checking it twice
ex husbands will be
dead and on ice
Ex-Wife Claus is coming to town!
she sees you when you pick up
she sees you when you drop.
she sees you in the restaurant
with a 12 year old she calling the cops?
oh you better not shout
you better not curse
you better stay cool
she's got a gun in her purse
Ex-Wife Claus is coming to town!
thank the lord i still have a sense of humor. it is what gets me through the hard times. right now, i think it is the hard time. i know it will get better. i feel it coming down the pipe. i have faith that things will improve.
milo will have his Christmas taken care of. i will find a way to get his tuition paid. i will get my bank statements back sooner than later so that i can get on with the court deal. i will do things in my life that make me happy. that will cause things to fall into place sooner than later.
in the meantime, i will still keep smiling, laughing, and enjoying every last minute of my life.
love you all,
i WILL keep my day job
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