The Ramblings of a Goddess: a single parent comments on life and the pursuit of sleep. politics and current issues fall into play on the daily. life as She sees it.
April 25, 2009
Inspired by Another day, another thought…or two.
6am alarm wakes my from my fitful slumber
630 you can only hit the snooze so many times
635 realize Wii Fit board batteries are dead and there are no spares in the house. YAY! *sarcasm*
640 into the kitchen to make lunches for the day. Vegetarian child gets a PB&J and mom gets leftovers.
7a 1st attempt to wake sleeping beauty from his peaceful rest (at least he's not in my bed)
705 second pass by the door politely asking him to rise but he ain't no Lazarus
710 pulling sheet from the bed *toys and the 2 lazy beagles of the house fly everywhere*
715 toss shoes at boy and remind him that he is leaving the house at 720 naked or fully clothed. it is up to him
735 still looking for my keys
740 on the road, on a tear, on the phone to boss calling in late *sigh*
8ish *insert daily work BS here*
5pm pick up son and nephew for karate. the boys change in the car and man do they stink! the feet need sandblasting.
517 being on time for karate is a pipe dream. still trying to convince sensei to change the time to 530
615 home for dinner and homework.
8p nephew home and boy in bed by 830 *insert mad laugh here*
830 friendly game of chess substitutes in for the bedtime story
9p my 30 minutes of bliss
my day.
April 24, 2009
Speed Dating for Single Book Lovers Pt. One
Yay Me!
The idea is wonderful. The drive is short...
Getting ready is a nightmare!
I figured, "pick up a cute outfit, put on a little makeup and head out the door."
What that really means is
Take a shower and get dressed???
Don Pardo, tell her what else she has to do.
I not only had to wash my face and body, I had to shave my legs. I then discovered that I had armpits I had to take care of as well (thank the lord I don't have a problem with stray chest hairs.
*Next life, I wish to be Amazonian Princess Nijeela who doesn't give a flying fig newton about shaving her legs because any man who doth protest shall be slayed. :)
So to got through the shower and all of the hair and had to get into this incredible invention call Spanx. Jim crackin' dandy. No problem I think, and then I realize why I have to put it on.... to hold everything together. The hard part is that I have to get all of that everything into the sock.
To give you an idea of this little thing I have to tuck my thighs behind stomach and ribcage into, it will fit in the palm of my hand. hahahahahaha *stops the mad cackle*
i get it past my thighs and i come to the behind and I have to sit down. Not because this is where i have to do more adjusting. I am exhausted after the thigh event.
I dance like I need rain for another 10 minutes and then over the behind it went. that is my Biggest issue (not using the word biggest lightly) and off to put on my slip of a dress. I have to say Spanx rocks!
Into the bathroom for the makeup and I get the shadow and the eyeliner and the lip liner and all that stuff tat comes with it all and ignore the errant chin hair and just leave it for conversation if any of my fellow speed daters notices it.
Another 10 minutes to find a pair of shoes and a purse that match the dress and I am out the door. Good thing hair is not an issue this week.
stay tuned for Part Deux.
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Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
update to Censorship at a ATT
only management is allowed to post on this site. fine and dandy.
a manager asked
"Since this article deals with health care issues as it relates to the current labor dispute between management and workers, would someone on the non-management side please clarify something I heard the other day. That is, I have heard that non-management employees are not permitted to post comments to these type articles. Is this true?"
and apparently got a great deal of responses from many craft folks making it clear to him that we could not.
his response
"From the emails and Qs I have received this morning in response to my previous post, it is quite evident that non-management employees are not permitted to post comments on this web site. To that I would say this. Not very American, not very democratic, and certainly, not very inclusive."
Exercising to get away from the kids? You Betcha!
More parenting videos on JuiceBoxJungle
I don't have time to feel guilty for getting time to myself and away from my familial chaos. I find that when i have time away from the boy genius, I am more sane when he wants me to sit and play an hour of Star Wars on the Wii or Star Wars on the XBOX or just a friendly game of chess *smiles*
My thought is that he is just about to turn 8, and I had better do what I can to stay healthy and in shape as I am going to be doing this for the next 16 years (you don't see your kids leaving home for good at 18 do you?).
Now that I have confessed, there is one exercise that I would love to get to do more often by myself and that is bike ride. I have a rack on my VW that can hold two bikes but I can't seem to get myself to believe that it is okay to leave the boy and his bike at home for these riding escapades.
To me, it is like going to see a children's movie with no children.
I am most sure some of you know how I am feeling.
I have to work on that
*makes note to self*
April 23, 2009
Technical snag but i still support my union.
something tells me that I am just going to have to wait and watch a recorded version of the biggest union meeting in the history of the CWA union.
I registered, I waited for the instructions and I went to the site and logged on around the designated time and I am still hour glassing after 45 minutes.
hmmmmm. Did they do a test run? nah.
Today at work must have been the last straw for the management staff. They are on call and ready for anything and the company starts to refer to them as lesser employees by trying to get the union members to get their drift by telling us that what they are asking from us is far better than the shitty plan they stuck their managers with. Usually, you see comments on the company sites about union bargaining littered with messages from managers saying good things about the company. After they dogged out the managers two days in a row by mentioning that the health plan they have sucks rocks, they finally lashed out.
I was waiting for Big Brother to swoop down and wipe out the messages, but not today...I think the company computer guy must have gone on a vacation... or has stopped following the company rule of wipe-it-out-if-it's-not-towing-the-company-line.
Some of the comments really got me thinking about how management gets screwed and how we cannot be mean to them because part of their job requirement is to follow company policy and work during strike.
Does it make you anti-company if you don't subscribe to all of the company's policies?
Maybe it is time for the managers to consider walking out with us. Now that would stick it to the corporation. From what I understand, managers have a 2500 deductible which means that they have to see the doctor a total of 65 visits per year in order to have the company pick up the tab at that point. Some of the comments from the managers stated that the only cost savings they had from their medical plan was the small discount they got on each doctor visit price.
If there were to be any type of catastrophic illness a family would be wiped out by having to pay medical bills up front before the company would take over and pay their share.
I am very disappointed by ATT for the way they have put down their management staff as well as the core wire line persons who keep this business running even if we aren't making as much money for them as we used to.
What the union and the company need to do is come to an agreement that is fair for ALL employees.
Why not have the employees, managers and executives share the medical cost. I think that if they worked it out, it would balance out quite well.
Shame on ATT
April 22, 2009
Censorship at ATT
"AT&T Inc. today reported first-quarter results highlighted by improved postpaid wireless growth with a substantial step up in integrated device penetration, double-digit increases in revenues from IP-based and strategic business services, and further AT&T U-verse TV subscriber gains. Advances in these areas and solid cost management largely offset continuing economic pressures on consumers and businesses."
People at ATT can leave comments on news items but it is limited to managers. i get you cold hard cash that this comment will be pulled down by end of day
"2009 raises - Zero dollars Loss of 401k investment from voided 2009 raise over next 20 years- don' t ask Cost of ads on Tiger Woods golf bag- wow 30.6 Billion in 1st qrt 2009 - Priceless"
April 16, 2009
I'll have a side of curry with my internet service
a new office in Dubai. what is up with ATT?
they know that they stand to make a lot more money by squeezing us out of existence.
"We opened our first office in Dubai in 2006 to meet the needs of our customers and since then have continued to build and consolidate our position in the region. In October 2007, John B. Gibson was appointed President, AT&T Middle East and Africa, leading our efforts in the region. This was followed in November 2008 by the appointment of Kevin Maher as regional vice president to focus on sales and support for our global enterprise customers in the region. The new office space is the next step in our progression in the Middle East region."
grrrrr r i say
April 13, 2009
What you can do as an angry consumer...
Do you smell poo?
I do!
It is time for the American Public to stop bitching and complaining about what is going on and take action.
Close the accounts at those institutions that have taken a bailout and screwed you twice by raising your fees.
They need to know that we will move our business elsewhere if we are not treated fairly.
Pay your minimum balances only because now is not the time to worry about paying off your credit cards if you do not have AT LEAST 8 months of living expenses in the bank.
If you lose your job and you cannot afford your credit card payments then you will be screwed if you don't have an ability to pay your bills in the bank (or under your mattress, depending on your level of trust with the banks).
If you are so over your head in debt don't feel bad about talking to a lawyer about filing for bankruptcy.
In no way do I see anything that resembles a CONSUMER BAILOUT coming down the pipe in the near future so it is time to take our finances into our own hands and recover along with the banks.
We have already paid them once in the bailout, there is no reason why we should have to pay them again because they are being greedy like spoiled children.
Take charge,
April 12, 2009
what would I give up to have a contract RIGHT NOW!
I would give up that paid FLMAwithout a doubt. They do need to back down on some stuff because some of them are still thinking like it is 1980. You can't always get what you want. The worst part is that they are ripping us off on the health care. There is no way to get them to hear what we are thinking. That is the problem.
If we speak out against the union, they point us out to be union crashers. So be it I say. I have no shame in telling them that they are asking for to much and fighting a fight that I don't think we can win on the backs of the employees.
The employees are stuck in the middle between the union and the corporation and the only folks who will suffer will be us.
I would love to get the jobs back to CA and the people who got screwed out of jobs a good deal too. We can handle not having more money. We just need to be able to take care of our health without having to file for bankruptcy.
Sometimes I feel like the union did not take enough time to hear how we felt and what we really wanted to fight about.
We got a survey out that gave us an opportunity to vote on what we were willing to strike for but we never got a return on that survey when it came time to authorize a strike. I would have felt more comfortable making a decision on something that might send me into bankruptcy court.
Was my decision to vote "no" appropriate? yes. Did it make a difference? Not to the union or the members who voted yes but doing the best and voting your conscience is the best that you can do.
I have enjoyed a wonderful Easter and hope that we don't have to go through the whole crucifiction thing again during negotiations.
April 10, 2009
Unity @ ATT newsletter
Here is the latest Unity@ATT newsletter.
Below is a link to download the PDF. Due to some technical difficulties, it's a large file (3.8 M). We'll try to post a smaller file later in the day. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Also, watch AT&T's video, Invest in America's Future, on YouTube and add your comment! Let 'em know that laying off thousands, raising shareholder dividends, cutting health care for employees, increasing executive bonuses, and trying to end retiree benefits for future employees IS NOT investing in America!
(You have to be a member of YouTube or sign up before you can comment.)
Tell ATT to do what is right
This time, it's AT&T. In contract negotiations with CWA, the company keeps pushing for cuts in quality jobs, health care benefits, and standard of living increases.
The contract has expired, and CWA's bargaining committees are working nonstop to try to reach an agreement with AT&T. But the company won't budge. We need 10,000 signatures on our petition of support in the next week to show AT&T that the whole union is mobilized behind our bargaining teams.
Will you sign?
AT&T claims that these cuts are necessary because of the poor economy. They've even had the nerve to compare telecom to the auto industry, even though telecom continues to expand and remain profitable. Just last year, AT&T made $12.9 billion in profits -- almost a billion more than the previous year.
AT&T can and should be a leader in supporting quality middle class jobs and benefits. That makes communities and our economy stronger. Instead, AT&T wants to increase profits by taking money out of the pockets of its workforce and even its retirees.
We've shown the company how to save money without massive cost-shifting; yet their only objective is to make workers pay more. Clearly, AT&T is looking for scapegoats, not solutions.
Tell AT&T to do the right thing -- sign our petition urging the company stop trying to cut jobs and benefits:
Fortune Magazine recently named AT&T the world's Most Admired Telecom Company. In response, the company's chairman and CEO Randall Stephenson said, "This honor is a real tribute to the competitive drive, the passion to serve and the innovative spirit that defines the people of AT&T."
But the company's actions speak louder than its words. If it really cares about its employees, AT&T will stop trying to squeeze the wage increases and benefits they've earned out of them, and start supporting more quality jobs, a better standard of living, and real health care reform.
The current contract negotiations with AT&T are a critical moment for our union, for workers across the country, and for the U.S. economy. In these tough times, the best thing we can do is strengthen American workers and the middle class -- and that means ensuring there are more quality jobs with good wages and health care for all.
Show AT&T that CWA is standing strong -- sign our petition right now:
In solidarity,
Executive Vice President
April 7, 2009
Bring on the procession of single men!
Who better to pick someone who would be great for you than someone else?
The people doing the choosing are also relatives of yours? Aren't there some Thanksgiving dinners where you just want to throw a roll at your Uncle Tony or hide the liquor from Auntie CeeCee?
Yeah. I bet you feel me on this one.
They want what is best for you as well as your family even if they are drunks and criminals.
Someone please tell me how an adaptation of Arranged Marriages can work in America. I am Sooooooo open to this idea it is scary.
first comes compatibility then comes love.
Somehow it makes more sense to me.
Help a sistah out
AT&T Is Just Like the Auto Industry—Except for its $12.9 Billion Profit
| April 6, 2009 |
While it isn't worth responding line-by-line to the Company's self-serving "Labor Update," we do need to address one of the company's outrageous claims on health care:
"Union-represented Core wireline employees pay similar amounts for their health care as union workers at the Big 3 automakers pay—and it's clear what those sorts of unsustainable costs have done to America's auto industry."
This is the lowest kind of scare tactic: "If you don't let us slash your health care benefits, we'll end up like the auto industry!" It's incredible that AT&T management is trying to draw a parallel between a successful and expanding telecom company and the Big 3. AT&T posted profits of $12.9 billion for 2008 and is on track for solid growth this year.
We've shown the company how to save money without massive cost-shifting; yet their only objective is to make us pay more. Clearly, AT&T is looking for scapegoats, not solutions.
Read CWA's press release in response to AT&T's outrageous comparison to auto.
April 6, 2009
TV can be your savior or Satan incarnate...
More parenting videos on JuiceBoxJungle
As a parent to an extremely intelligent (yes I'm biased) 7 year old, I have learned to pick my battles carefully. I have less and less control over some things as he gets older and I become more exhausted from keeping him occupied while I try to sit down and breathe for a moment, so tv has become a few and far between friend.
In the beginning, (bible study anyone?) there was Teletubbies and Baby Einstein. My son was stimulated into a coma while I ran the house single handed due to a now former husband who wanted to be a rock star more than a father.
Television gave me just enough time to get some very important things done and then the child was pulled away (sometimes kicking and screaming) to use his human power. I would order him to go play in the fresh air and find some rocks to kick around.
I remember the television of my childhood, and it usually happened on Saturdays and not for too long. By noon, my mom was swinging a broom at us yelling "go play outside!" and we obediently filed toward the door.
Well, maybe it was because of the broom...
There was no audible lock, as my mother had an "in or out" rule. If you chose to come in and out of her house too many times bringing in dirt, flies and extra neighborhood kids, you got the all expense paid trip to 'momma's world'. Playing outside was fun. besides, who the hell wants to hang out with your mom and fold sheets all day?
"Not I!" , squeaked the fly (that was the one that sneaked in the house with the annoying neighborhood kids and the dirt.)
More kids should do it.
More parents should demand it.
For my mom, there was no convenience of 24 hour television programming for children. If there was nothing on the boob tube, we were up under her feet and life was bad for everyone.
As a mother now, I prescribe to my mother's saving grace. That is to "get out, stay out and don't come back until I call for dinner or until the street lights come on!" Mind you, this was all said in love, and i think the statute of limitations has run out on a call to CPS.
At an early age, my son was taught to go outside and play.
This upholds the idea that there is a difference between school clothes and play clothes.
I would send him to the backyard at age 3 or 4 and let him have at it. He could play in the hose and make mud puddles and chase the dogs around and get into all sorts of safe trouble. I could peek out the windows and know he was okay and could feel no worse for wear at having to hose him down before bringing him into the house.
I purposely did not subscribe to cable because I wanted to be in control of what my son watched when he did sit down for his coma sessions.
We watch public television. There is so much there for his brain to be inundated with and it is good stuff too.
After he graduated from Sesame Street and Teletubbies (Boobah was all wrong for my house), he moved on to Cyberchase, where got to use his thinking skills and Dragonfly TV where he got ideas for experiments he could do at home.
Regardless what your children watch, Adult Supervision should be required for ALL programming. Your child should feel comfortable asking questions and you should be there even if the question that comes up is "why does Tinky Winky carry a bag?"
At the same time time, children should be jazzed to go ride their bikes and build forts and get dirty.
Our only requirements as parents now is to not only demand that they use; instead of sedate their brains but dig in with them as well.
Ramblingly yours,
The Goddess
April 5, 2009
Changing my affiliation
The trouble I have is the lack of people who LOOK like me in this group of aficionados. Today, I decided to venture out and caravan to a for-charity event for a therapeutic horse ranch for children with disabilities.
See hardly any people of color. If anyone remembers my experience at the rodeo will understand how I feel now. I am surrounded by a million people who are either white or hispanic and I get the idea that they are not too fond of my people. I feel out of place here but I figure that I need to go up to every last person of color, introduce myself and ask them what club they are in.
It may be fine time that I find a black VW owner club.
Maybe it is just the area I live in.
Maybe it is the people. They all seem kind of lost too. Like they are trying to find a place to belong too.
I am still enjoying myself. The weather is beautiful, the music is good enough.
I can't complain.
I will just keep searching...
L. Gracie Phillips
April 3, 2009
When ratify becomes a 4-letter word
CWA members covered by the AT&T Mobility "Orange" contract ratified a new agreement that provides real gains for workers, including improvements in the retail store compensation plan and the creation of a new career path for customer service representatives.
CWA Executive Vice President Annie Hill said this contract broke new ground, especially in the areas of compensation for retail store workers and expanding career opportunity in customer service, two top priorities for Mobility members.
"For customer service workers, this first-ever career path shows that skill and experience will begin to be recognized and rewarded by AT&T Mobility. For retail sales workers, a new, minimum at-risk monthly commission payout provides a floor for earnings," Hill said. "Mobility workers will be building on these gains as we go forward," she added.
The proposed settlement provides for a compounded wage increase of 8.8 percent over the four-year contract term, along with a $500 bonus. More than 11,000 retail sales consultants now will earn a minimum monthly commission of $1,000 if targeted sales goals are met. In addition, some 500 consumer care workers will receive job upgrades and additional pay increases, as will 50-70 wireless technicians. Other important improvements addressed monitoring and quota relief.
Mobilization by Mobility workers throughout the "Orange" territory – Districts 1, 2, 4, 7, 9 and 13 – made a tremendous difference as did support from CWA Mobility members in the Southeast and Southwest covered by separate contracts and CWA members at the core AT&T company.
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Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Jack London put it best but...
After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad and the vampire, he had some awful stuff left with which he made a SCAB.
A SCAB is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a waterlogged brain, and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts he carries a tumor of rotten principles.
When a SCAB comes down the street men turn their backs and angels weep in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out. No man has a right to SCAB as there is a pool of water deep enough to drown his body in, or a rope long enough to hang his carcass with. Judas Iscariot was a gentleman compared to a SCAB. For betraying his master he had the character to hang himself. A SCAB hasn't.
Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. Judas Iscariot sold his Savior for thirty pieces of silver. Benedict Arnold sold his country for a promise of a commission in the British Army. The modern strike breaker sells his birthright, his country, his wife, his children and his fellow-men for an unfulfilled promise from his employer, trust or corporation.
Esau was a traitor to himself, Judas Iscariot was a traitor to his Lord, Benedict Arnold was a traitor to his country.
Jack London
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
April 2, 2009
Latest update: get your infor from your UNION
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
April 1, 2009
take the initiative dammit
i figure that after a person has hit the age of 25, there is nothing left to do, but children are driving me nuts with their inability to self start.
in my house, i am a bit tough on the kids. you can't walk past a full garbage can and decide that it is now considered artwork. get a new bag and take out the trash homey.
let me give you an example of how over the top this laziness in my life has presented itself.
i have my nephew a couple of days a week for karate.
i had a garbage can full up to you know what with goodness. i took the bag out and then set the can on the table and proceeded to mention that dinner was ready. my nephew pushed the large can to the side and went on with his dinner..
as my momma used to say... if it was a snake it woulda bit ya.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.