December 29, 2011

'Barney Fife' vs. 'Nigger'?

i’m gonna put it out there just… like… this…. IMHO… Pawlenty called President Obama ‘Barney Fife’ because he couldn’t call him ‘NIGGER’! what the hell is up with all this name calling and shit? let’s pull it together my dear politicians. cut the crap and get down to business. i know cultures have names for everyone and everyone has their ‘nigger’ within their groups, but this is our PRESIDENT and he is at least owed the common courtesy you would give to a stranger on the street. political functionality has been replaced by political entertainment. I think it is time, fine time, that we at least revert back to mudslinging instead of the name calling. maturity is what you are looking for in a person who is to endorse your bid for the president. not a name caller. remember when we used to get in trouble for that shit when we were in school? time for some politicians to grow the hell up! Goddess Creative Commons License
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