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The Ramblings of a Goddess: a single parent comments on life and the pursuit of sleep. politics and current issues fall into play on the daily. life as She sees it.
December 30, 2011
the military drawdown. will we sit and wallow or be called to action ourselves?
there are many provisions made for members of the guard. in the instance of this particular serviceman, he did not have a job that valued him enough to allow him extended leave. that should be a given for anyone who hires a protector of our country. they should allow them to come back to the job they held while protecting our nation. I do not blame the Obama administration for this specifically. this is the case always when we have military drawdowns.
if we look at the situation with the funding cuts to our nations education system, the same turmoil has been created...
dilapidated buildings
low funding for key programs
low test scores.
what is worse for our schools is that we cannot start a war or join a conflict to raise the bar on the bottom of the heap educations our children receive in public schools; hence, charter, private and home schooled children are becoming the norm.
war is easier to assemble for than to disassemble from.
everything looked fine when the nation was at war. we have so much more to focus on within our own borders.
we wanted them home...
they are coming home...
WE AS A PEOPLE have to make sure they are taken care of and honored for their service. unfortunately, GI (government issue) means that the government owns you and can toss you about as it pleases. it is a form of servitude, still voluntary, with the perks looking no less for wear as when young men were drafted for Vietnam in the mid '60s
where does the way out of this begin?
perhaps the way out begins in the minds and hearts of our nation’s people, young and old. we have a duty to support not only our military personnel, but also the future of our children, and the elders who have raised us.
there is so much for us to do.
so much more...
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Occupy America
December 29, 2011
'Barney Fife' vs. 'Nigger'?
i’m gonna put it out there just… like… this….
Pawlenty called President Obama ‘Barney Fife’ because he couldn’t call him ‘NIGGER’!
what the hell is up with all this name calling and shit? let’s pull it together my dear politicians. cut the crap and get down to business.
i know cultures have names for everyone and everyone has their ‘nigger’ within their groups, but this is our PRESIDENT and he is at least owed the common courtesy you would give to a stranger on the street.
political functionality has been replaced by political entertainment. I think it is time, fine time, that we at least revert back to mudslinging instead of the name calling.
maturity is what you are looking for in a person who is to endorse your bid for the president. not a name caller.
remember when we used to get in trouble for that shit when we were in school?
time for some politicians to grow the hell up!
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December 27, 2011
Let the scales fall from your eyes and see the true threat of the Occupy Movement
So, when you connect the dots, properly understood, what happened this week is the first battle in a civil war; a civil war in which, for now, only one side is choosing violence. It is a battle in which members of Congress, with the collusion of the American president, sent violent, organised suppression against the people they are supposed to represent. Occupy has touched the third rail: personal congressional profits streams. Even though they are, as yet, unaware of what the implications of their movement are, those threatened by the stirrings of their dreams of reform are not.
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December 23, 2011
Seriously... We're talkin' 'bout a revolution.
I have known for many a year and had that thought further cemented after the election of president Obama, that big things are coming up in America's future. Here in these United States of America, we have the destitute and the filthy rich living in what used to be the land of the privileged. We have families who are homeless because of decisions of a few to get rich QUICK and get out of Dodge. It frightens me that we have lost our ability to care enough about each other enough to take time to reach out a hand and lift folks up from the bottom. I am not lost on the purpose of Occupy Wall St. I am not lost on the plight and desperation of many of my generation; buried in debt fearing for their future and the future of generations to come. I liken the Occupy Movement to a child who has no other way out of a damaging environment. This child wants it to stop. They have no one else to talk to about it. so they act out. but you don't always offer consequences. you look for the cause of the behavior.
*takes a deep breath*
America was founded by an oppressed people who brought their own oppression over on ships and oppressed the people already living here then went to another country and claimed some new oppressed folk. Through the oppression of others they presented themselves as superior, all the while taking the ideas that one such oppressed society used to manage a mostly peaceful nation and set the laws of the place we call America today. *breathes*
I get really irritated when protests and demonstrations are brought down because someone uses their power to wrest control. In the case of OW and the branches of the Occupy movements in other areas, force has in some places been excessive. Maybe dialogue is still what is needed and not duct tape over the mouths of the public. Firing on a crowd of human beings........ *sigh*
Rubber bullets are supposed to sting, like a cut section of hose on a dogs back. With humans and with dogs you have to be careful how you use the weapon. People are getting hurt because everyone is growing impatient. I still think that we need to do more for one another as a community than splitting each other off into groups. When you label and segregate, you lose sight of your goal. *sigh*.
I'm not even going to spell check this rant but I'm not talking out of my ass when I say to check the history of our founding fathers introduction of "how to set up a nation" presented by the Iroquois. The number 13 for the colonies had to come from Somewhere and it was not a random number.
Occupy Wall Street is not all about politics, it's about our lives and how our ability to manage them has been placed underfoot by the politics of our federal government. It's about people who own homes they are so far upside down on that they can't afford to keep a roof over their families heads. It's about the students who graduate college and can't find a job or jobs for that matter to allow them to live AND pay back their student loans (did i mention students are in school longer trying to specialize so they can find a good paying job when and if they graduate?). It's about the public education option that has gotten so far out of hand that students are having to borrow significant amounts of money to graduate from state college with nothing more than a useless piece of paper. It's about the bailout... The one in which the trickle down evaporated before it to to the bottom of the hill. It's about america for us. The 99% and not everything for them...the 1% regarding the blocking of the Oakland Ports
The idea was to block the ports. The business in many cases should pay their employees but the choose to add to the flame. I am a college grad with no job, student loans rolling in, an unemployment check that won't cover my mortgage (which the homes made more affordable only lowered by TWENTY DOLLARS) and allow mento feed my family. There are so many people out of work that we can't all be put into the "lazy ass ahole" category anymore. I am trying to start a home daycare because I cannot get a job teaching preschool. I am a MASTER TEACHER! Why because all of the unemployed teachers who are getting tossed from the substitute roles because the retired teachers want to double dip because they either want more money (read:greed), or need to (read:necessity). Like i said, it's a tough call. Just tough all over.
Our financial infrastructure is not a working design. It is currently a front that the banks have learned to manipulate with physics and lobbyists to make more money (1%) while many of us (up to the 99%) struggle trying to eke out a meager existence. I follow and support the protesters because I am afraid and want things to change. Traditional methods have failed. It's time for a change. I am sure during women's suffrage and the civil rights movement people thought those people needed something better to do, but this is what oppressed people do... They get up and get shit moving. That is what I feel is happening with the Occupy Wall St. and I pray that it continues in a positive light with benefits for all in need.
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December 22, 2011
OWS protesters interrupt Obama's speech (VIDEO) — RT
there is something that Occupy Wall Street Movement uses to communicate en masse, where one person shouts a sentence and the crowd repeats it like a human bullhorn. this “human megaphone” methodology, where one person shouts and everyone else chants what he or she is saying, works really well when used right. here, it did not.
“Mic check,” a lone voice yelled during the president’s speech, which prompted a boisterous echo from other protesters in the crowd. A series of call-and-response quips ensued, overwhelming the president and causing him to momentarily stop his speech.
“Mr. President: Over 4,000 peaceful protesters have been arrested while banksters continue to destroy the economy,”protesters proclaimed. “You must stop the assault on our First Amendment rights. Your silence sends a message that police brutality is acceptable. Banks got bailed out. We got sold out.”
You can tell the President Obama tried to listen, but as soon as the unruly people started to chant "fired up etc..." he stopped.
With dignity and poise, he thanked them for their effort to be heard and asked them to hear him out then he would listen to what they had to say.
“We’ll be talking about a whole range of things today and I appreciate you guys making your point,”responded Obama. “Let me go ahead and make mine, alright? And I’ll listen to you and you listen to me.”
The president added to the crowd, “You’re the reason that I ran for office in the first place.”
i would like to hear what happened after his speech.
i do not believe this should have been called "heckling" according to the press. they should have used the proper term for what they were doing... "human megaphone".
now if this had worked out better, their "human megaphone" speech would have made it to actual media like the OWSers did with Michelle Bachman. have a listen:
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December 21, 2011
Christmas sometimes depresses the fuck out of Goddess!!!
I know I have to put most off this shit in the proper light, but MAN! What I wouldn't give to enjoy a pleasant surprise every once in a while.
Christmas has always been one of those holidays when I so look forward to that special day of food, family, fun, and surprises. I am a giver and i truly look forward to those special occasion when i am actually given something.
Perhaps my heart is broken and it was my own son who faced the responsibility of handing out broken hearts today. He has been working himself into a frothy mess trying to get his ass to BIG LOTS without me to buy a couple of items of interest.
I was excited as most children are thinking i was going to get a cute little something my son really wanted to give me to show me how much he loved me and was into the christmas spirit.
he came back with a hand-buzzer and a tube of green and orange Goop!
not his fault. i have to lower my expectations of being treated in a special way the way i WANT to be treated.
Goddess knows she set herself up for that but you know what i always is a pain in the ass to suffer from an incurable case of HOPE.
*claps hands*
"that's it kids! Pity party is over. nothin' to see here!"
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single parenting,
Shut the Hell Up! It's Christmas Dammit!
There are a great many things i would like to clear out this Christmas season....
Nitpicky Grammar Nazis
Jealous Lovers
Whining Children
Weak Drinks
Want for Necessities
can we put all that mess in a brown paper bag and set it afire for Christmas? the kids will be thrilled to see FIRE and the adults will be too busy putting marshmallows on sticks for the kids to roast to talk about anything but Christmas cheer.
it's too damned close to Christmas to act like fools, be cheap, be without, and run around correcting folks grammar....Now if anyone wants to send a gift my way, i am sure to find some unfortunate folks in my side of the world to make happy during this holiday season of spending TIME and not necessarily MONEY on family members.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Shut the Hell Up! It's Christmas Dammit!
There are a great many things i would like to clear out this Christmas season....
Nitpicky Grammar Nazis
Jealous Lovers
Whining Children
Weak Drinks
Want for Necessities
can we put all that mess in a brown paper bag and set it afire for Christmas? the kids will be thrilled to see FIRE and the adults will be too busy putting marshmallows on sticks for the kids to roast to talk about anything but Christmas cheer.
it's too damned close to Christmas to act like fools, be cheap, be without, and run around correcting folks grammar....Now if anyone wants to send a gift my way, i am sure to find some unfortunate folks in my side of the world to make happy during this holiday season of spending TIME and not necessarily MONEY on family members.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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