February 24, 2012

I'm just gone sit here.... cleanin' this here gun!

he has a point. people are always asking me what i do differently as a parent because they think i am using some 'modern' parenting techniques. what they don't know is that i just do it old school. i know that it works on some children but i have my way and they have theirs. i have to say i cheered in my office chair when he unloaded the clip into her laptop! my dad would have done the same thing (to my sister of course as i was the perfect child *snark*) . it is what it is and it takes time, patience, and prayers (or spells, or whatever alternative higher power requests you need to use) to raise a child to be a productive adult. does it scare the hell out of me that i have to use methods that may upset others? yes because what i do is what i would like to think is my own business, but i know that social services, police, teachers, and basically any mandated reporter will turn me in because it is just what they are required to do.
to that i say wooooosaaaaaah! i keep it moving and i keep it real.
does that make me a bad parent?
ask me in 15 years and ask this dad in 10.
i think the proof will be in the pudding (or in the self sufficient college grad and/or productive member of society)


check out some of his posts after the fact. he's not budging or changing his stance... way to stand your ground dad!


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